Color Print Films,
Module 9
Process ECP-2E
©Eastman Kodak Company, 2006
This module contains specifications describing continuous
machine processing of Kodak color print films. The
following modules are also used in conjunction with Process
ECP-2E. Process ECP-2E differs from Process ECP-2D in
that there is no first fix or sound application.
Film 2395 / 3395 is coated on a new ESTAR Base
featuring proprietary Kodak technology that replaces rem-jet
with process-surviving, anti-static layer, and scratch-
resistant backing layer. This film has an efficient
antihalation layer under the emulsion layers, using patented
solid particle dyes that are decolorized and removed during
For information on color balance, image structure,
sensitometric curves, printing conditions, and film storage,
see KODAK Publication H-1-2395.
Module 10
Effects of Mechanical and Chemical
Variations in Process ECP-2E
Module 1
Module 2
Module 3
Process Control
Equipment and Procedures
Analytical Procedures (for Chemical
Film Structure
Module 4
Reagent Preparation Procedures (for
Chemical Analyses)
KODAK VISION Color Print Film / 2383, KODAK
VISION Premier Color Print Film / 2393 and KODAK
VISION Color Teleprint Film / 2395 / 3395 are multi-layer
diagram of the film structure.
Module 5
Module 6
Chemical Recovery Procedures
Environmental Aspects
Designated Films
Figure 9-1
Cross Section of Unprocessed Color Print Films
KODAK VISION Color Print Film / 2383
Performance Characteristics and Applications: This film is
designed for making projection-contrast prints from
camera-original color negatives, duplicate negatives, and
internegatives made from color reversal originals. Film 2383
has an ESTAR Safety Base.
Gel Protective Coat
Green-Sensitive Emulsion
Clear Gelatin Interlayer
For information on color balance, image structure,
sensitometric curves, printing conditions, and film storage,
see KODAK Publication H-1-2383.
Red-Sensitive Emulsion
Clear Gelatin Interlayer
Blue-Sensitive Emulsion
Anti-Halation Dye Layer
Stubbing Layer
Safety Film Base
4.7 Mil ESTAR Base
KODAK VISION Premier Color Print Film / 2393
Performance Characteristics and Applications: Like its
counterpart KODAK VISION Color Print Film, VISION
Premier Color Print Film is coated on a polyester base
without rem-jet, for a cleaner process and cleaner screen
images. The upper tone scale of VISION Premier Color Print
Film is significantly higher in density than KODAK VISION
Color Print Film, so shadows are deeper, colors are more
vivid, and the image snaps and sizzles on the screen. The toe
areas of the sensitometric curves are matched more closely,
producing more neutral highlights on projection.
Cinematographers can be more creative with lighting and
exposure, and still see remarkable results.
For information on color balance, image structure,
sensitometric curves, printing conditions, and film storage,
see KODAK Publication H-1-2393.
Conductive Anti-Static Layer
Scratch Resistant T-Coat W/Lube
This drawing illustrates only the relative layer arrangement of the
film and is not drawn to scale.
The upper green-sensitive layer contains a colorless
coupler that is converted to magenta dye during
development, proportional to green-light exposure. The next
emulsion layer is red-sensitive and contains a colorless
coupler that forms a cyan dye, proportional to red exposure.
The bottom emulsion layer is blue-sensitive, and contains a
colorless coupler that forms a yellow dye, proportional to
blue exposure.
The conductive anti-static layer and scratch resistant
T-coat with lube are process surviving and retain their
properties after processing.
KODAK VISION Color Print Films can be processed
without a prebath and rem-jet removal and rinse, as indicated
developer solution since they do not have a rem-jet backing
to remove.
KODAK VISION Color Teleprint Film / 2395 / 3395
Performance Characteristics and Applications: KODAK
VISION Color Teleprint Film / 2395 / 3395 is specifically
designed for making low-contrast contact or optical prints
from camera-original negatives, duplicate negatives, and
internegatives. This film has been optimized to produce low
contrast positive images that closely match the dynamic
range of telecine transfer mediums to produce excellent
video images.
Process ECP-2E Specifications
Process ECP-2E Steps
Table 9-1 Persulfate Bleach Sequence
1. Developer
Reduces exposed silver halide grains in all three light-sensitive layers. The developing agent
is oxidized by the exposed silver halide, and the oxidation product couples with the particular
dye coupler incorporated within each layer to produce dye images. A silver image is formed
simultaneously at the exposed silver-halide sites.
2. Stop
Stops the development of silver-halide grains and washes Color Developing Agent CD-2
from the film.
NOTE: The film can now be handled in white light.
3. Wash
Removes excess acid stop.
4. Accelerator
5. Bleach (persulfate)
Prepares the metallic silver present for the action of the persulfate bleach.
Converts the metallic silver from both the sound track image and picture image that was
formed during color development, to silver-halide compounds that can be removed by the
fixer. In the sound track, the silver image formed during color development is converted to
silver halide by the bleach. It is then redeveloped to a silver image by a black-and-white
developer solution.
6. Wash
7. Fixer
Removes residual bleach from the film, preventing contamination of the following solution.
Converts the silver-halide compounds formed in the picture area during bleaching to soluble
silver thiosulfate complex salts that are removed from the film in this fixer and subsequent
8. Wash
Removes unused fixer and the residual soluble silver thiosulfate complex salts formed during
9. Final Rinse
10. Dryer
Prepares the film for drying.
Dries film for subsequent handling.
11. Lubrication
Promotes longer print projection life. It may be an in- or off-line operation. See Module 2,
Equipment and Procedures.
If a customer wishes to retain the first fix and the first fix wash from Process ECP-2D, the sound application may still be skipped
by threading the film directly from the bleach wash into the second fix.
Film Storage and Handling
Alternative Ferricyanide or UL Bleach Sequence
The steps and their functions are the same as in the
recommended process, except the 20-second accelerator and
40-second persulfate bleach is replaced with a 60-second
ferricyanide or UL bleach.
Ideally, processed film should be stored at 21°C (70°F) or
lower, and 40 to 50 percent relative humidity for short-
term or active storage. For long-term storage conditions,
store at 2°C (35°F) or lower at a relative humidity of 20
to 30 percent. In general, dye stability during long-term
storage improves significantly with reduced temperature.
See KODAK Publication No. H-23, The Book of Film
Care, for more information.
Care must be exercised in the handling of print film to
avoid scratches and/or dirt that will be noticeable on the
projected print. Film handlers should use lint-free nylon
or polyester gloves and handle the film by the edges as
much as possible. Suggestions on film handling during
processing are presented in Module 2, Equipment and
Safelights for Darkroom Illumination
When film is handled in a darkroom, whether printer room or
processing room, safelights are used to provide enough light for
working without fogging the film.
KODAK VISION Color Print Film / 2383, KODAK
VISION Premier Color Print Film / 2393 and KODAK VISION
Color Teleprint Film / 2395 / 3395 can be handled under
illumination provided by standard safelight fixtures fitted with
the KODAK No. 8 Safelight Filter / dark yellow. A sodium-
vapor lamp fitted with KODAK WRATTEN Gelatin Filters
No. 23A and 53 or 57, plus a neutral density filter to reduce the
illumination intensity, can also be used. Conduct a careful
safelight test before production work is started. The processing
steps after the stop bath can be carried out in normal room light.
Other Film Characteristics
For information on the physical characteristics of Kodak
motion picture films (including edge identification,
antihalation backing, perforations, and dimensional
change characteristics), as well as cores, spools, winding,
and packaging, refer to KODAK Publication No. H-1,
KODAK Motion Picture Film.
Process ECP-2E Specifications
The required treatment or solution time for each
processing solution and wash is obtained by installing an
appropriate number of racks in the various solutions and
washes for a specific film transport speed. The size and
number of racks are predetermined by the machine
manufacturer. Some machine manufacturers build racks
with the upper spools fixed and the lower spools mounted on
a floater or slider. With such racks, solution times can be
controlled by adjusting the positions of the floaters. To
provide adequate agitation of the developer at the emulsion
surface, the developer tank is equipped with a turbulator. A
turbulator is a submerged series of tubes, having nozzles or
drilled holes at various locations along the tubes, pointing
toward the film strand. The turbulator can be an integral part
of the machine rack. For more information on turbulator
design, see Module 2, Equipment and Procedures.
The processor should be a conventional deep-tank
machine. Submerged rollers and rack-drive assemblies are
recommended for all solutions to minimize the splattering of
solutions and aerial oxidation of the developer and fixer.
Process ECP-2E using the recommended persulfate bleach.
Process ECP-2E using the alternate ferricyanide or UL
bleaches. Squeegees should be used at all the locations
shown in the schematic to reduce contamination and
minimize loss of solution by carry-over into subsequent
Machine Design
The films intended for Process ECP-2E are processed in roll
form in a continuous processing machine. Film is
transported through the various solution tanks, emulsion side
out, on a series of spools. These spools are mounted in racks
that fit into the tanks, and film is threaded over the spools so
that it travels in a continuous spiral on each rack. The film
should not be allowed to contact any part of the machine that
can damage either the support or the emulsion side of the
film. A soft rubber tire has been used successfully on flat
spools to create a uniform film-support surface consisting of
many soft, flexible fingers.* Such a soft-touch surface, which
can be helpful in minimizing physical damage to the film,
can be used on all rollers that contact the film base.
Rollers contacting the emulsion should be undercut as
emulsion. Some machines use undercut rollers with
sprockets to drive the film.
Figure 9-2
Soft-Touch Tire (Left) and Undercut Roller (Right)
Eastman Kodak Company does not market processing
machines or auxiliary equipment suitable for Process
ECP-2E. However, a list of some manufacturers of
processing equipment can be obtained through the
Professional Motion Imaging offices.
* Described in A Soft-Touch Surface Designed for Scratch-Free Motion-
Picture Film Processing, Journal of the SMPTE, 79:712-715, August 1970.
Process ECP-2E Specifications
Construction Materials
The construction materials recommended for the developer,
stop, fixer, and bleach solutions are listed in Table 9-2. All
the bleaches are quite corrosive. The UL bleach is slightly
more corrosive than ferricyanide bleach, but less corrosive
than persulfate bleach. Titanium, Hastelloy C, and
engineering plastics such as PVC are, therefore,
recommended materials for persulfate bleach. Use plastics
compatible with low pH solutions (less than pH 5).
Red brass is commonly found in ferricyanide bleach
systems, it will quickly be dissolved by persulfate bleach and
UL bleach. In addition to machine tanks, it is often found in
fittings, flowmeters, heat exchangers, and valves. Small red-
brass parts have been found even when the bleach tank is
constructed of titanium, Hastelloy C, or PVC.
The following materials are compatible with ferricyanide
or “UL,” but not acceptable with persulfate bleach.
Monel is a commonly used staple material; it is dissolved
by persulfate bleach in several hours. Stainless-steel staples
are recommended for extended lifetime in persulfate bleach.
Standard carbon-steel staples will show some corrosion, but
maintain their integrity in persulfate bleach much longer
than Monel-type staples. In all cases, it is a good practice to
avoid extended exposure of staples to any bleach solution.
Some plastic and elastomeric materials will be degraded
by persulfate bleach. This degradation is accelerated by the
presence of chlorine in the bleach. Some materials known to
be degraded by persulfate bleach are low-density
polyethylene, acrylonitrile, butadiene, styrene, nylon 6/6,
and neoprene. All plastics and elastomeric materials (other
than PVC, RTV-60, silicone, and Vitron) should be tested
before being used in persulfate bleach. Most plastics,
including PVC, will discolor in persulfate bleach, but retain
their mechanical properties. Tygon tubing, which turns
white, is an example of this effect.
For best process control, equip the holding tank for the
color developer replenisher with a tight-fitting floating
cover. The cover will minimize air oxidation of the solution,
and absorption of carbon dioxide from the air, which would
change the pH. Clearance between the cover and the tank
wall should not be greater than 1⁄ inch (6.4 mm).
Polyethylene sheeting of 1⁄ inch (12.7 mm) thickness makes
adequate covers in sizes up to 3 feet (1 metre) in diameter. A
dust cover alone permits air to come in contact with the
solution and will allow some air oxidation to take place. Dust
covers should be used for non-developer solution to
minimize dirt in the replenisher tanks.
Additional information on materials construction and
information on their use are given in The SPSE Handbook of
Photographic Science and Engineering, Materials of
Construction for Photographic Processing Equipment
section. You may also contact the Kodak Information Center
at 1-800-242-2424.
Process ECP-2E Specifications
Table 9-2 Construction Materials for Process ECP-2E
Chloride or
Stainless Steel
AISI Type 316 *
Hastelloy C
Bleach (Ferricyanide or “UL”):
Tanks and Racks
Mixing Tanks
Replenisher Holding Tanks
Piping, Pumps, Valves, and Filter Cores
Overflow Holding Tank
Bleach (Persulfate):
Tanks and Racks
Mixing Tanks
Replenisher Holding Tanks
Piping, Pumps, Valves, and Filter Cores
Overflow Holding Tank
Tanks and Racks
Mixing Tanks
Replenisher Holding Tanks
Piping, Pumps, Valves, and Filter Cores
Tanks and Racks
Mixing Tanks
Replenisher Holding Tanks
Piping, Pumps, Valves, and Filter Cores
Tanks and Racks
Mixing Tanks
Replenisher Holding Tanks
Piping, Pumps, Valves, and Filter Cores
AISI Type 316 Stainless Steel has been extensively tested and is satisfactory for the uses listed in the table above. Refer to The SPSE Handbook of
Photographic Science and Engineering, Materials of Construction for Photographic Processing Equipment Section for information on other Austenitic
Stainless Steels.
† Plastics compatible with low pH solutions should be used (e.g., polyvinyl chloride, polypropylene, and high-density polyethylene). The compatibility of other
plastics should be evaluated under actual use.
‡ Short-term storage of persulfate bleach in stainless steel tanks is acceptable.
§ Provided the concentration of sulfuric acid specified for the stop is not exceeded and fresh replenisher is always used.
Process ECP-2E Specifications
Dryer Cabinet
Carefully control drying of processed film. Insufficient
drying may lead to a physical defect called ferrotyping. If the
film is over-dried, the emulsion becomes brittle and the film
tends to curl or flute. Satisfactory drying leaves the film dry
without tackiness one half to two thirds of the way through
the drying cabinet. Allow the film to cool to room
temperature before windup. After cooling, the film should
have a moisture content in equilibrium with air at 50 percent
relative humidity.
Either an impingement or convection (nonimpingement)
dryer can be used. The impingement dryer dries film in a
shorter time and occupies less space than most
nonimpingement dryers. Regardless of the type, the drying
equipment must produce adequate and uniform drying to
prevent deformation of the film support or emulsion. Filter
the input air to the dryer to remove dust particles that can
stick to the film. A high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA)
filter, such as the Micretain Equi Flo filter (95 percent
efficient at 0.3-micron particle size) is recommended. †
Filters are used to remove any insoluble material in the form
of solids and tars from processing solutions and wash waters.
If this material is not removed, it can adhere to the film being
processed, machine tank walls, rollers, lines, etc. Filters are
required in replenisher lines, recirculation systems, and
wash-water lines.
The ideal porosity rating for filters is 10 microns, but the
back pressure of a 10-micron filter is sometimes too great to
permit adequate flow unless oversize pumps or parallel
filters are used. Increasing the filter area will decrease the
back pressure, but also increase the cost of filters. Filters
with porosity ratings larger than 30 microns will produce
low-back pressure, but are of little value in removing
insoluble material. Another option is using high-porosity
filters in series. The high-porosity filters will slow the
clogging of the low-porosity filters.
Establish and follow a definite replacement schedule for
filters. Change filters every week or two, or whenever the
pressure differential across the filter housing exceeds 10 psig
(69 kPa).
Polypropylene, fiber glass, or bleached cotton are
acceptable filter media for all Process ECP-2E solutions.
Viscose rayon is not recommended for use with the
developer since it can cause adverse photographic effects.
Table 9-2 lists acceptable construction materials for filter
cores. Test all filters for adverse photographic effects before
use, as described in KODAK Publication No. K-12.
Film Lubrication
Edgewax 35 mm and wider films with a paraffin-based
lubricant (approximately 50 g/L). Full coat 16 and 8 mm
films with a less dense lubricant such as a 0.5 g/L PE
Tetrasterate solution (RP 48-1984). See Module 2,
Equipment and Procedures, for formulas and details.
Crossover Squeegees
Processing solution loss and dilution are minimized by
crossover squeegees. They wipe solution off both sides of
the film strand using plastic blades, air streams, vacuum,
buffer plush, or other mechanical means, and direct it back
into the originating tank.
A crossover squeegee should be located on the exit strand
between stages of all countercurrent washes, and on all
Process ECP-2E solutions. Wiper-blade squeegees* (30- to
40-durometer hardness) can be employed, but must be
carefully maintained to make sure they do not scratch the
film. A general discussion on the use of squeegees is in “A
Review of the Effects of Squeegees in Continuous
Processing Machines,” Journal of the SMPTE, 79:121-123,
February 1970. Squeegee design details are given in
Module 2, Equipment and Procedures.
* A description of suitable wiper-blade squeegees is presented in “Spring-
Loaded Wiper-Blade Squeegees,” Journal of the SMPTE 81:742-796,
October 1972.
† A product of Cambridge Filter Corporation, 7645 Henry Clay Blvd.,
Liverpool, NY 13088.
Process ECP-2E Specifications
Figure 9-5 Four-Stage Countercurrent Wash
Machine Exhaust and Room Ventilation
Install local exhausts at specific locations on the processing
machine and at specific work areas to provide for the safety
and comfort of the laboratory personnel. Supplement local
exhausts with a room ventilation system having a capacity of
10 air changes per hour. Vent the discharge air from these
systems outside the building so that discharged air does not
contaminate incoming air.
Locate local exhausts over chemical mixing tanks to
remove irritating chemical dust and vapor produced when
processing solutions are mixed. Remember to comply with
all regulations related to your operations.
Processing machines using persulfate bleach need local
exhausts at the stop, accelerator, bleach, and stabilizer. A
slot-type exhaust, for example, on the far side of both the
accelerator and persulfate bleach will eliminate the
accelerator’s distinctive odor, and the small amount of
chlorine released from the persulfate bleach. This low
chlorine lever presents no safety or operational problems but
can cause some corrosion of stainless steel and other
materials surrounding the bleach tank if not vented properly.
Processing machines with ferricyanide bleach need local
exhausts at the stop tank. A slot-type exhaust, for example,
on the far side of both the accelerator and persulfate bleach
will carry away any sulfur dioxide or hydrogen sulfide
generated by developer carried over into the stop.
Exhausts need not fit tightly over tanks, and slots should
be placed to draw air away from the operator. The exhaust
system should provide an air flow of 175 ft3/min (5 m3/min)
for every square foot (0.09 m2) of solution surface, and
provide 50 to 75 ft/min (15 to 23 m/min) control velocity
over the surface of the tank.
Mechanical Specifications
The recommended mechanical specifications for Process
bleaches. Included are temperatures and tolerances,
processing solution times, replenisher rates, and other
pertinent information.
Use the processing times and drying conditions shown in
the tables as a guide for preliminary machine design. The
processing times actually used may differ slightly from the
ones shown in the tables because of machine design
variables, such as film velocity, degree of solution agitation,
and amount of solution carry-over. You must determine
those specifications necessary to produce satisfactory quality
for your installation. Optimum drying conditions (air
volume, temperature, and relative humidity) also vary with
each dryer design.
Countercurrent Washes
Multitank, countercurrent wash methods provide a great
savings in water. In this technique, fresh water enters the last
tank, flows to the previous tank, and so on to the first tank,
in a direction counter to that of film travel. As the film
advances through the wash, it enters cleaner and cleaner
Use the replenishment data listed with the mechanical
specifications as a starting point for determining exact
requirements to maintain the tank chemical analytical
Handle the exposed stock designated for Process ECP-2E
under proper safelight conditions during machine loading
and processing until after the stop. The processing steps after
the stop can be performed in normal room light.
A four-stage countercurrent final wash is illustrated in
Process ECP-2E Specifications
Table 9-3 Mechanical Specifications for Process ECP-2E with PERSULFATE Bleach
KODAK Formula
(Wash Rate) per
100 ft. (30.5 m)
of 35 mm Film†
Recirculation (R);
Filtration (F);
Turbulation (T)
Process Steps
R, F§, & T¶
@125 to 175 L/min
36.7 ± 0.1 98.0 ± 0.2
690 mL
Stop **
R & F
@ 40 to 60 L/min
27 ± 1
27 ± 3
27 ± 1
80 ± 2
80 ± 5
80 ± 2
770 mL
1.2 L††
200 mL
R & F
@40 to 60 L/min
R & F§
@ 40 to 60 L/min
27 ± 1
80 ± 2
200 mL
27 ± 3
80 ± 5
1.2 L§§
27 ± 1
80 ± 2
R & F
@ 40 to 60 L/min
Final Rinse ***
27 ± 3
80 ± 5
1.2 L§§
400 mL
27 ± 3
80 ± 5
R & F
@ 40 to 60 L/min
Air Flow
57°C (135°F)
15% to 25%
3 to 5 min.
43° to 49°C
(110° to 120°C)
15% to 25%
5 to 7 min.
35 mm
16 x 18 mm
Full-coat lubrication
Celsius temperatures are rounded consistent with process-control requirements. Fahrenheit temperatures are primary.
For 16 mm film, use one-half the 35 mm film replenishment and wash rates. Since processing operations can vary greatly in respect to such factors as
film-to-leader ratio, squeegee efficiency, and amount of film processed per unit of time, adjustments in replenisher rates and/or formulas may be required
to maintain the recommended tank concentrations. With efficient squeegees, adjustment rates for 35 mm leader will be as low as 20 mL/100 ft.
Maintain close control of developer time and temperature, since small deviations can lead to severe contrast mismatch. Use an accurate thermometer
for checking the temperature controller variability. The temperature should be uniform throughout the developer tank.
Use polypropylene, fiberglass, or bleached cotton as a filter medium in the developer. Viscose rayon is not recommended for the developer or bleaches
because of undesirable photographic effects.
Design developer racks with submerged rollers and rack-drive assemblies to minimize solution aeration and splashing.
** Install an exhaust over the stop tank, since developer carried over into the stop generates sulfur dioxide. Install an exhaust over the accelerator tank to
eliminate odors. Install an exhaust over the persulfate bleach tanks to eliminate corrosion from chlorine vapors. The exhaust system should produce an
air flow of 175 ft /min (5 m /min) for every square foot (0.09m ) of solution surface, and provide 50 to 75 ft/min (15 to 23 m/min) control velocity over the
surface of the tank.
†† The stop wash rates given in this table assume the use of two-stage countercurrent washes with squeegees between stages. Single stage washes require
substantially higher wash rates.
‡‡Reconstitute and reuse persulfate bleach (SR-30) and accelerator (AB-1b), to obtain full economic advantage. See Module 5, Chemical Recovery
Procedures, for procedures for reconstituting and regenerating persulfate bleach and accelerator.
§§ The wash rate given in this table assumes that the final wash and bleach wash are composed of three countercurrent-wash stages with squeegees
between stages.The spray pressure and flow rate depend on machine speed and equipment used.
¶¶Fixer replenisher requirements vary with silver recovery equipment, method, and operating conditions. If provision is made for continuous electrolytic
desilvering for the recirculated fixer, the silver concentration should be maintained between 0.5 and 1 g/L. See Module 5, Chemical Recovery Procedures,
for details. The fixer and replenisher must be kept separate from other processes. Savings from reconstituting desilvered fixer overflow for use as
replenisher are possible.
*** Processing the print film does not require a formaldehyde stabilizer, therefore you may use Final Rinse, FR-2. FR-2 contains a wetting agent to promote
more efficient squeegeeing of the film strand prior to drying. The Spectrus NX1106 or Proxel GXL reduces biological growth in the tank.
Process ECP-2E Specifications
Table 9-4 Mechanical Specifications for Process ECP-2E with FERRICYANIDE Bleach
KODAK Formula
°C °F
36.7 ± 0.1 98.0 ± 0.2
(Wash Rate) per
100 ft. (30.5 m)
of 35 mm Film†
Recirculation (R);
Filtration (F);
Turbulation (T)
Process Steps
690 mL
R, F§, &T¶
@ 125 to 175 L/min
27 ± 1
80 ± 2
770 mL
R & F
@ 40 to 60 L/min
Ferricyanide Bleach‡‡
27 ± 3
80 ± 5
1.2 L††
200 mL
R & F§
@ 40 to 60 L/min
27 ± 1
80 ± 2
27 ± 3
80 ± 5
1.2 L††
27 ± 1
80 ± 2
R & F
@ 40 to 60 L/min
Final Rinse***
27 ± 3
80 ± 5
27 ± 3
80 ± 5
400 mL
R & F
@ 40 to 60 L/min
Air Flow
57°C (135°F)
15% to 25%
3 to 5 min.
43° to 49°C
(110° to 120°F)
15% to 25%
5 to 7 min.
35 mm
16 x 18 mm
Full-coat lubrication
Celsius temperatures are rounded consistent with process-control requirements. Fahrenheit temperatures are primary.
† For 16 mm film, use one-half the 35 mm film replenishment and wash rates. Since processing operations can vary greatly in respect to such factors as
film-to-leader ratio, squeegee efficiency, and amount of film processed per unit of time, adjustments in replenisher rates and/or formulas may be required
to maintain the recommended tank concentrations. With efficient squeegees, adjustment rates for 35 mm leader will be as low as 20 mL/100 ft.
‡ Maintain close control of developer time and temperature, since small deviations can lead to severe contrast mismatch. Use an accurate thermometer for
checking the temperature controller variability. The temperature should be uniform throughout the developer tank.
§ Use polypropylene, fiberglass, or bleached cotton as a filter medium in the developer. Viscose rayon is not recommended for prebath, developer, or
bleaches because of undesirable photographic effects.
¶ Design developer racks with submerged rollers and rack-drive assemblies to minimize solution aeration and splashing.
** Install an exhaust over the stop tank, since developer carried over into the stop generates sulfur dioxide. Install an exhaust over the bleach tanks to
eliminate corrosion from vapors. The exhaust system should produce an air flow of 175 ft /min (5 m /min) for every square foot (0.09 m ) of solution surface
and provide 50 to 75 ft/min (15 to 23 m/min) control velocity over the surface of the tank.
††The wash preceding the ferricyanide bleach must not become acid enough to lower the bleach pH below 6.0. Low pH in a ferricyanide bleach can promote
the formation of Prussian blue. Keep the wash after the bleach effective enough to prevent film mottle from the reaction products of bleach carry-over into
the fixer. Two-stage countercurrent washes with squeegees between stages is recommended for stop wash. The final wash and bleach wash rates assume
the use of three-stage countercurrent washes with squeegees between stages. The wash rates given in the table assume the use of such staged washes.
Single-stage washes require substantially greater wash rates.
‡‡Reconstitute and reuse the bleach to obtain the full economic advantage. See Module 5, Chemical Recovery Procedures, for a procedure for regenerating
Ferricyanide Bleach.
§§Fixer replenisher requirements vary with silver recovery equipment, method, and operations conditions. If provision is made for continuous electrolytic
desilvering for the recirculated fixer, the silver concentration should be maintained between 0.5 and 1 g/L. See Module 5, Chemical Recovery Procedures,
for details. The fixer and replenisher must be kept separate from other processes. Savings from reconstituting desilvered fixer overflow for use as
replenisher are possible.
¶¶The wash rate given in this table assumes that the final wash is composed of three countercurrent-wash stages with squeegees between stages.
***The final rinse contains a wetting agent to promote more efficient squeegeeing of the film strand prior to drying. The Proxel GXL or Spectrus NX1106
controls biological growth in the tank.
Process ECP-2E Specifications
Table 9-5 Mechanical Specifications for Process ECP-2E with UL Bleach
KODAK Formula
°C °F
(Wash Rate) per
100 ft. (30.5 m)
of 35 mm Film†
Recirculation (R);
Filtration (F);
Turbulation (T)
Process Steps
SD-50Ra 36.7 ± 0.1 98.0 ± 0.2
690 mL
R, F§, & T¶
@ 125 to 175 L/min
27 ± 1
80 ± 2
770 mL
R & F
@ 40 to 60 L/min
“UL” Bleach‡‡
27 ± 3
80 ± 5
1.2 mL††
400 mL
R & F§
@ 40 to 60 L/min
27 ± 1
80 ± 2
27 ± 3
80 ± 5
1.2 L††
27 ± 1
80 ± 2
R & F
@ 40 to 60 L/min
Final Rinse***
27 ± 3
80 ± 5
1.2 L††
27 ± 3
80 ± 5
400 mL
R & F
@40 to 60 L/ min
Air Flow
57°C (135°F)
15% to 25%
15% to 25%
3 to 5 min.
5 to 7 min.
43° to 49°C
(110° to 120°F)
35 mm
16 x 18 mm
Full-coat lubrication
Celsius temperatures are rounded consistent with process-control requirements. Fahrenheit temperatures are primary.
For 16 mm film, use one-half the 35 mm film replenishment and wash rates. Since processing operations can vary greatly in respect to such factors as
film-to-leader ratio, squeegee efficiency, and amount of film processed per unit of time, adjustments in replenisher rates and/or formulas may be required
to maintain the recommended tank concentrations. With efficient squeegees, adjustment rates for 35 mm leader will be as low as
20 mL/100 ft.
Maintain close control of developer time and temperature, since small deviations can lead to severe contrast mismatch. Use an accurate thermometer
for checking the temperature controller variability. The temperature should be uniform throughout the developer tank.
Use polypropylene, fiberglass, or bleached cotton as a filter medium in the developer. Viscose rayon is not recommended for prebath, developer, or
bleaches because of undesirable photographic effects.
Design developer racks with submerged rollers and rack-drive assemblies to minimize solution aeration and splashing.
** Install an exhaust over the stop tank, since developer carried over into the stop generates sulfur dioxide. Install an exhaust over the bleach to remove
vapors. The exhaust system should produce an air flow of 175 ft7.5/min (5 m /min) for every square foot (0.09 m ) of solution surface and provide 50 to
75 ft/min (15 to 23 m/min) control velocity over the surface of the tank. The exhaust system should produce an air flow of 175 ft /min (5 m /min) for every
square foot (0./09 m ) of solution surface, and provide 50 to 75 ft/min (15 to 23 m/min) control velocity over the surface of the tank.
†† Keep the wash after the bleach effective enough to prevent film mottle from the reaction products of bleach carry-over into the fixer. Two-stage
countercurrent washes with squeegees between stages is recommended for the stop wash. Three-stage washes are recommended for the bleach and
final wash. The wash rates given in the table assume the use of such staged washes. Single-stage washes require substantially greater wash rates.
‡‡Reconstitute and reuse the bleach to obtain the full economic advantage. See Module 5, Chemical Recovery Procedures, for a procedure for
reconstituting and regenerating “UL” Bleach.
§§Fixer replenisher requirements vary with silver recovery equipment, method, and operations conditions. If provision is made for continuous electrolytic
desilvering for the recirculated fixer, the silver concentration should be maintained between 0.5 and 1 g/L. See Module 5, Chemical Recovery Procedures,
for details. The fixer and replenisher must be kept separate from other processes. Savings from reconstituting desilvered fixer overflow for use as
replenisher are possible.
¶¶ The wash rate given in this table assumes that the final wash is composed of three countercurrent-wash stages with squeegees between stages.
*** The final rinse contains a wetting agent to promote more efficient squeegeeing of the film strand prior to drying. The Proxel GXL or Spectrus NX1106
controls biological growth in the tank.
Process ECP-2E Specifications
Controlling Bleach Tank Concentration
with Replenisher Rate
UL Bleach Formulations
Two UL Bleach formulations are available to fill various
laboratory operating and environmental needs. They are:
• Ammonium UL or “UL House” Bleach. This formulation
contains the highest percentage of ammonium ion which
maximizes bleach activity. Because the least amount of
active ingredients are necessary, this is the least expensive
of the UL bleach varieties to operate. The use of ammonia
in a laboratory may present some handling and odor
considerations and is restricted in some sewer districts.
Since bleach systems are subject to evaporation in the
machine, overflow and replenisher holding tanks, system
evaporation often plays a significant part in striking a
balance between replenisher concentration, replenisher rate,
and tank concentration. The best way to adjust between these
factors, especially in a house system, is to vary the
replenisher rate to maintain the desired tank concentration.
Allowing the tank concentration to run high creates waste
due to carryout. A low tank concentration presents the
danger of inadequate bleaching. A new system should be
started up using the suggested replenisher rates given for
each bleach version. As the process or system seasons, the
rates may be adjusted to give the desired tank concentrations.
Bromide, iron, and pH are the critical parameters and should
stay within limits given. If bromide or iron is too high, no
harm to the process or film will occur, but expensive
chemicals will be wasted due to carryout.
The “UL House” Bleach formulation was derived to allow
for a common tank and replenisher to be used for both
Processes ECN and ECP. Its advantage is less mixing and
solution handling between the two processes.
• Potassium “UL House” Bleach combines the advantages
of a non-ammonium formulation with a house system
where one replenisher feeds tanks for both Processes ECN
and ECP. Through replenisher rate manipulation, the
tanks for Processes ECN and ECP are maintained at
appropriate levels so bleaching is completed while excess
carryout is avoided.
Conversion to UL Bleach
The advantages of converting to the UL bleach, from
ferricyanide bleach (SR-27) are:
Selecting a Bleach Formulation
Experimentation has shown that an all-ammonium bleach is
the most active and, therefore, needs the minimum amount
of iron (and the associated amount of PDTA) for adequate
bleaching. When potassium cations are substituted for
ammonium, more iron is needed to complete bleaching for
the same time and temperature. The best formulation for use
in a given lab should be determined based on several
operating factors. Some of the factors to consider are:
• Local chemical cost and availability
• UL bleach maintains a cleaner tank
• UL bleach forms no prussian blue
• UL bleach is easier to regenerate
• UL bleach regenerates into a cleaner replenisher
The advantages of converting to the UL bleach, from
persulfate bleach are:
• UL bleach has more bleaching power
• UL bleach has a longer solution life
• Laboratory ventilation factors
• Restrictions on sewer discharge
• UL bleach is less sensitive to process variations
Mechanical changes are minor; adjust controls to keep the
bleach at 27°C (80°F). Solution times and replenishment
rates do not change.
If using the ferricyanide bleach currently, first remove any
red brass from the system, then clean up the bleach system.
A high pH wash (10 to 12) will help eliminate any prussian
blue in the system. Three cleaning cycles are recommended.
If persulfate bleach is now in your machine, a series of hot
water rinses is needed in the accelerator and bleach tanks.
The bleach and accelerator tanks should be filled with hot
water and the recirculation and replenishment system turned
on. Three to five cleaning cycles are recommended.
Process ECP-2E Specifications
Chemical Supplies and Substitutions
Drying Specifications
Ferric nitrate is supplied in crystalline form as nonahydrate
or dissolved in water as a 35 or 45% solution. Various
bromides, carbonates, and hydroxides may be used
interchangeably provided attention is given to effluent
requirements and various molecular weights and activities
are compensated. The following multipliers may be used to
calculate between formulations:
Drying photographic film depends on time in the dryer, the
geometry of the dryer, the pattern of air flow and/or
impingement on the film, the volume of air flow, the
humidity and temperature of the air in the drying cabinet, and
the efficiency of the final squeegee before the dryer. The
optimum conditions for drying film must be determined for
each processor, making allowance for film moisture content
and static buildup.
• One gram of ferric nitrate nonahydrate = 1.31 mL of 35%
= 0.93 mL of 45% solution
Adequate drying of color print film can be achieved in 3
to 5 minutes using an impingement dryer with the following
• One gram of ammonium bromide = 1.21 grams KBr =
1.05 grams NaBr
• One mL of 50% NaOH = 1.64 mL 45% KOH
Hole diameter
6.4 mm (0.25 in)
57 mm (2.25 in.)
21 mm (0.81 in.)
If the odor or handling of acetic acid is a problem or
undesirable, solid chemicals may be substituted. They are
added as follows:
Spacing between holes
Film-to-plenum distance
One mL of glacial acetic acid is equivalent to 1.05 grams
of glacial acetic acid. One milliliter of glacial acetic acid can
then be replaced by 1.35 grams of ammonium acetate. In
potassium formulations, one mL of glacial acetic acid can be
replaced with 1.71 grams of potassium acetate. The
ammonium formulation is compensated by removing 2.2 mL
of 28% ammonium hydroxide per mL of acetic acid from the
formulation. The potassium formulation gets compensated
by 1.49 mL of 45% potassium hydroxide for each mL of
glacial acetic acid removed. This calculation is illustrated in
the following example:
time is increased to 5 to 7 minutes and the air going into the
Upon cooling to room temperature after leaving the dryer,
the film should have a moisture content at equilibrium with
air at 50 percent relative humidity.
Turbulation Specifications
Turbulators are essential in the recirculation system for
Process ECP-2E developer to provide uniform film
processing. The turbulators are submerged in the solution
and are located in such a way that the recirculated solution
impinges uniformly over the full width of the film strand.
The requirements for solution turbulation are dependent
on film transport speed. Machines with lower speeds will
require more turbulation than faster machines. Good process
uniformity can be achieved at a film speed of 165 ft/min
(50 m/min) using the design guidelines in Module 2,
Equipment and Procedures, Table 2-2, Developer
Turbulation Design Guidelines, Process ECN-2, ECP-2E,
D-96 and D-97. Precise turbulation design must be
determined specifically for a particular processing machine
to provide for good uniformity of development. The
guidelines in Module 2 give helpful starting points for such
designs. Backup rollers opposite the turbulators may be
necessary depending on strand tension, strand length, film
format, and nozzle pressure.
Formula calls for 10 mL of glacial acetic acid and
30 mL of 28% ammonium hydroxide. Substituting for
10 mL of acetic: 10 mL x 1.35 grams ammonium
acetate per gram acetic = 13.5 grams ammonium
acetate. The amount of ammonium hydroxide to
subtract is: 2.2 mL ammonium hydroxide per mL of
acetic or 2.2 x 10 = 22 mL. The formula becomes zero
acetic acid, 13.5 grams of ammonium acetate and 8 mL
of ammonium hydroxide
Process ECP-2E Specifications
Wash-Water Flow Rates
Final Wash
Adequate washing in conjunction with conservation of wash
water is a matter of concern for all processors. Ways of
reducing wash-water usage while maintaining adequate
washing include: (1) using multi-stage countercurrent-flow
washes, (2) installing squeegees between wash stages as well
as before the wash, and (3) shutting off wash water when the
machine is not transporting film or leader. The last
alternative can easily be accomplished by installing solenoid
valves in the wash-water supply lines that are opened when
the machine drive is running. The water saving from the use
of squeegees and countercurrent stages can be substantial. A
three-stage countercurrent final wash with squeegees before
and after each stage requires approximately 1/25 of the water
of a single-stage wash with entrance and exit squeegees.
Overflow from one wash step should never be used in any
other wash step.
Decreased water flow in the final wash may increase the
propensity toward biological growth. See Module 2,
Equipment and Procedures, for information on control of
biological growth. Temperature control can also be a
concern at lower flow rates. After establishing the final flow
rate, check to be sure the process stays within the
have been found to be satisfactory in a 165 ft/min (50 m/min)
processor, using three-stage countercurrent bleach and final
washes with efficient squeegees between stages. The other
washes employ the use of two-stage countercurrent washes.
The optimum wash rates for a particular installation can be
determined only after the film transport rate, the number of
countercurrent stages, and the squeegee efficiencies have
been established. Experimentation is necessary to determine
minimum wash-water flow rates that will provide adequate
washing. Inadequate washing will result in significant
contamination of the solution after the wash with the
solution before the wash.
The final wash must remove most of the thiosulfate (hypo)
from the film. Retained hypo levels of 4 µg/cm2 or greater
can cause serious dye fading. If the recommended three-
stage countercurrent wash and wash rate are used, residual
hypo in the designated films processed in Process ECP-2E
should be barely detectable (0.2 to 0.4 µg/cm2) by
Analytical Method ULM-0004/1 in Module 3, Analytical
For many years, the term rewashing referred to the common
practice of running processed film through a complete
process for a second time. This operation removes dirt and/
or heals slight emulsion scratches and digs. Rewashing a
film once in the original process produces minimal changes
in the dye stability and sensitometry. However, several
rewashings may cause a change in density over the exposure
scale of the film. By omitting the developer and bleach when
the film is rewashed, changes in density can be minimized.
Rewash RW-1 is designed to avoid these sensitometric
and dye stability changes, and at the same time, to produce
similar emulsion swells to that obtained by going through the
original developer.
Table 9-6 Rewash RW-1 Sequence
1. Prebath PB-6
Swells the emulsion, causing the
scratches to be filled in and embedded
dirt particles to be released.
2. Wash
Removes unwanted chemicals, which, if
left in, affect dye stability.
3. Final Rinse FR-1 Contains a wetting agent to help prevent
water spots while the film is being dried.
4. Dry
Dries film for subsequent handling.
The rewash machine consists of a loading elevator, tanks
for the prebath, wash, and final rinse solutions, and a dryer.
Submerged rollers and rack-drive assemblies will minimize
spattering of solutions and aerial oxidation of sulfite in the
prebath. Type 316 stainless steel is suitable for tanks, racks,
and recirculation equipment. Use 10-micron filters of
polypropylene, fiberglass, or bleached cotton in the
Stop Wash
An inadequate wash will result in a high level of Color
Developing Agent CD-2 in the bleach or bleach accelerator.
Bleach Wash
recirculation system. Use no squeegees, except after the final
rinse, where a high efficiency final squeegee is needed.
If using the alternate cycle with ferricyanide bleach, an
inefficient bleach will cause excessive buildup of bleach-
fixer reaction products in the fixer. The combined levels of
potassium ferricyanide and sodium ferrocyanide in the final
stage of the bleach wash should be below 0.5 g/L, as
measured by Analytical Methods ECP-00021/1 and ECP-
2E-1101 (or ECP-0023/01) in Module 3, Analytical
Process ECP-2E Specifications
Table 9-7 Mechanical Specifications for Rewash RW-1
(Wash Rate)
per 100 ft.
Recirculation (R);
Filtration (F)
Process Steps
Tank and
(30.5 m) of
35 mm Film†
21 ± 1
70 ± 2
600 mL
R & F
@ 20 to 40 L/min
21 to 38
21 to 38
70 to100
70 to100
300 mL‡
400 mL
Final Rinse
R & F
@ 20 to 40 L/min
Fahrenheit temperatures are primary. Celsius temperatures are rounded consistent with process-control requirements.
For 16 mm film, use one-half the 35 mm film replenishment and wash rates.
Use a two-stage countercurrent wash.
Packaged Chemicals
Kodak packaged chemical kits are available for the solutions
used in Process ECP-2E. Solutions may also be prepared
using chemicals purchased in bulk.
Bulk Chemicals
The list of suppliers below is not intended to be all-inclusive,
nor are the suppliers listed in any order of preference. The
mention of a supplier is not intended as a recommendation
by Eastman Kodak Company. Most of the chemicals listed
are available from local chemical supply houses. For
additional suppliers, consult Chemical Week, Chemical
Buyers, or Thomas’ Register in public libraries.
Information on the known hazards and safe handling of
the following chemicals is available from the supplier of the
chemical in the form of chemical container labels and
Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) as required by the
OSHA Hazard Communication Standard Act and many state
Process ECP-2E Specifications
or Chemical Name
Chemical or Trade Name
Acetic Acid, Glacial
Some Suppliers
Fisher Scientific
Brown Chemical Company
Ameribrome, Inc.
Ammonium Bromide
Pechiney World Trade USA
Fisher Scientific
Ammonium Hydroxide (28% Solution)
Mallinckodt, Inc.
Van Waters and Rogers
Fisher Scientific
Ammonium Thiosulfate
(NH ) S O
4 2 3
General Chemical Company
E.I. du Pont de Nemours & Company, Inc. 800-441-7515
KODAK Anti-Calcium, No. 4
Eastman Kodak Company
Allan Chemical Company
Chemical Dynamics Corporation
Eastman Kodak Company
Eastman Kodak Company
Fisher Scientific
Beta-Aminopropionic Acid (Beta-Alanine)
KODAK Chelating Agent, No. 1
KODAK Color Developing Agent, CD-2
Ashland Chemical Company
Union Carbide Corporation
Dow Chemical USA
(Ethylene-dinitrilo) Tetraacetic Acid,
Tetrasodium Salt
Dow Chemical USA
BASF Corporation
Fisher Scientific
Ferric Nitrate Nonahydrate*
Fe(NO ) •9H O
Mallinckodt, Inc.
3 3
Shepherd Chemical Company
General Chemical Company
American Gelatin Company
Eastman Kodak Company
Fisher Scientific
KODAK Persulfate Bleach Accelerator PBA-1
Phosphoric Acid*
Ashland Chemical Company
Brown Chemical Company, Inc.
Ashland Chemical Company
Anachemia Chemicals, Inc.
Mallinckrodt, Inc.
Potassium Ferricyanide, Anhydrous*
Potassium Iodide*
K Fe(CN)
Potassium Persulfate*
Fisher Scientific
FMC Corporation
Brown Chemical Company, Inc.
Avecia, Inc.
Proxel GXL
Sodium Bisulfite, Anhydrous*
Ashland Chemical Company
Fisher Scientific
Brown Chemical Company, Inc.
Brown Chemical Company
Brown Chemical Company, Inc.
Ashland Chemical Company
Ashland Chemical Company
Mallinckodt, Inc.
Sodium Bromide, Anhydrous*
Sodium Carbonate, Anhydrous*
Sodium Chloride*
American International Chemical
Process ECP-2E Specifications
or Chemical Name
Chemical or Trade Name
Some Suppliers
Sodium Phosphate, Monobasic, Anhydrous*
Pechiney World Trade USA
Degussa-Huls Corporation
Degussa-Huls Corporation
Filo Chemical, Inc.
Sodium Ferrocyanide, Decahydrate*
Sodium Hydroxide*
Na Fe(CN) •10H O
Ashland Chemical Company
Brown Chemical Company
Dow Chemical USA
Fisher Scientific
Sodium Hypochlorite
Ashland Chemical Company
Brown Chemical Company
Delta Chemical Company
Fisher Scientific
Sodium Metabisulfite Anhydrous*
Na S O
BASF Corporation
American International Chemical
Sodium Persulfate*
Na S O
Fisher Scientific
FMC Corporation
Brown Chemical Company, Inc.
General Chemical Corporation
Fisher Scientific
Sodium Sulfate, Anhydrous*
American International Chemical
Sodium Sulfite, Anhydrous*
Ashland Chemical Company
Fisher Scientific
Spectrus NX1106
Betz Dearborn Inc.
KODAK Stabilizer Additive
Sulfuric Acid, Concentrated*
Eastman Kodak Company
Ashland Chemical Company
Fisher Scientific
E.I. du Pont de Nemours & Company, Inc. 800-441-7515
These chemicals must meet the ANSI/ACS specifications. An index of all ANSI specifications is available from American National Standards Institute,
550 Mamaronek Ave., Harrison, New York 10528.
Process ECP-2E Specifications
Solution Mixing
1. Use the following mixing practices when preparing
processing solutions with common mixing equipment. Mix
solutions in the order in which the solutions occur in the
process sequence. This order will minimize mixing time
and oxidation, while providing consistent results. See
Module 10, Effects of Mechanical & Chemical Variations
in Process ECP-2E, for sensitometric effects of
CORROSIVE: Avoid contact with solution and vapor.
Avoid breathing vapor. Wear safety goggles and impervious
gloves. Store in a cool place to prevent pressure build-up in
the container.
UL BLEACH: When adding Ammonium Hydroxide
to the mix tank, be sure to add it below, or at the
surface of the solution to minimize the escape of
Ammonia vapor. Careless handling may require
evacuation of the mix room.
contamination and solution concentration errors.
The mixing area should be well ventilated and have a local
exhaust over the mixing tank to carry off fumes and chemical
dust. See Module 2, Equipment and Procedures, for exhaust
5. Agitate the solution for a few minutes after it has been
diluted to volume, to promote complete and uniform
dissolution of all the constituents. The prebath,
developer, stop, and final rinse should be agitated for
at least 5 minutes after dilution to volume; the fixer for
10 minutes; and the bleach for 15 minutes.
Good mixing practices:
1. Observe all precautionary information on containers
and packages of each chemical, and on the Material
Safety Data Sheets available from the seller of the
individual chemical. Footnotes with some formulas
provide further precautionary information.
6. Analyze the solution for its critical constituents after
mixing. Then place the certified solution into the
appropriate storage tank.
2. Rinse the mix tank with water, and run fresh water
through the pump. Drain the tank and pump.
7. Carefully rinse the mixing tank and any pump used to
transport the solution. Clean the mixing equipment
immediately after the tank is emptied, before salts and
tars have time to form. The tank is more efficiently
rinsed with numerous small-volume rinses than with
fewer large-volume rinses.
3. Fill the tank to the mixing level with water at the
appropriate temperature, and start the mixer. Be sure
the mixer is large enough to provide adequate agitation
for the volume of solution desired. The starting mixing
level should be 80 percent of the final volume (if a
water hopper is used, take care not to over dilute the
solution). Allow one minute for agitating the water
between the time the mixer is started and the first
chemical addition is made. This action helps remove
air from the water and disperse the first chemical
4. Premeasure all chemicals,* but do not combine the dry
chemicals together before adding them to the mixing
tank. This practice can result in unwanted chemical
reactions producing toxic and noxious fumes. The
formula for each processing solution lists chemicals in
the proper mixing order. Add and dissolve the
chemicals in the order given, and dilute the solution to
volume with water. When mixing sound track
developer accelerator for persulfate bleach,
ferricyanide bleach, and UL bleaches, observe the
following special mixing instructions.
with high agitation for extended periods of time can
result in the loss of some PBA-1 due to aerial
oxidation. Mix only until all solid chemicals have
FERRICYANIDE BLEACH: When the ferricyanide
bleach is made with ferrocyanide and persulfate, the
solution should be allowed to sit approximately an
hour before final adjustments are made. This allows
for complete reaction of the two chemicals.
* When preparing processing solutions, use photographic grade chemicals
(passing the ANSI or ANSI/ACS specifications). Kodak, as well as some
other suppliers, provide such chemicals.
Process ECP-2E Specifications
Formulas and Analytical Specifications
Maintain the fresh tank formula specifications exactly as given on the following pages. Any large deviations from tank
specifications, noted by chemical analysis, should be corrected immediately by appropriate additions or cuts to the tank solution.
Any long-term tendency to deviate from the tank analytical specifications (e.g., slowly increasing pH) should be corrected by
adjustment of the replenisher. The replenisher formula specifications are to be used as starting points for typical operations.
Observe precautionary information on product labels and on the Material Safety Data Sheets.
Fresh and Seasoned Tank
Analytical Specifications
Replenisher Analytical
Fresh Tank
900 mL
1.0 mL
4.35 g
Water 24-38°C (75-100°F)
KODAK Anti-Calcium, No. 4
Sodium Sulfite (Anhydrous)*
KODAK Color Developing Agent CD-2*
Sodium Carbonate (Anhydrous)
Sodium Bromide (Anhydrous)
Sodium Hydroxide
900 mL
1.4 mL
4.50 g
5.80 g
18.0 g
1.60 g
0.90 g
4.00 ± 0.25 g/L
4.20 ± 0.25 g/L
2.95 g
2.70 ± 0.25 g/L
5.70 ± 0.25 g/L
17.1 g
1.72 g
1.72 ± 0.10 g/L
1.60 ± 0.10 g/L
Sulfuric Acid (7.0 N)
0.62 mL
1000 mL
Water to make
1000 mL
pH at 25.0°C (77.0°F)
10.59 ± 0.05
1.025 ± 0.003†
35.0 ± 2 mL
11.20 ± 0.05
1.023 ± 0.003
39.0 ± 2 mL
Specific Gravity at 25.0°C (77.0°F)
Total Alkalinity (10 mL sample)
WARNING! May cause eye and skin irritation and allergic skin reaction. Avoid contact with eyes, skin, and clothing.
The difference between the mix levels and the analytical specifications for CD-2 and sodium sulfite are to compensate for aeration losses that occur
during mixing and transfer of solution to the machine tank. The mix levels necessary to achieve the required analytical specifications will vary with
mixing equipment and solution transfer techniques.
† Developer specific gravity will rise from 1.020 ± 0.003 to 1.025 ± 0.003 as the developer is seasoned.
To process VISION Premier Color Print Film, the normal replenisher flow rate must be increased by 8%. If the footage
processed is less than one tank turnover, no change of pH is required in the replenisher, but small adjustment could be necessary
in the tank processor. For larger quantity of VISION Premier Color Print Film (more than one tank turnover), it is recommended
to increase the replenisher pH to 11.45.
Process ECP-2E Specifications
Alternate Developer
Fresh and Seasoned Tank
Analytical Specifications
Replenisher Analytical
Fresh Tank
Water 24-38°C (75-100°F)
900 mL
900 mL
4.8 g
(Ethylenedinitrilo) Tetraacetic Acid
Tetrasodium Salt
4.0 g
EASTMAN Developer Stabilizer No. 1*
Sodium Sulfite (Anhydrous)†
KODAK Color Developing Agent CD-2†
Sodium Carbonate (Anhydrous)
Sodium Bromide (Anhydrous)
Sodium Hydroxide
0.20 g
4.35 g
2.95 g
17.1 g
1.72 g
0.25 g
4.50 g
5.80 g
18.0 g
1.60 g
0.90 g
4.00 ± 0.25 g/L
4.20 ± 0.25 g/L
2.70 ± 0.25 g/L
5.70 ± 0.25 g/L
1.72 ± 0.10 g/L
1.60 ± 0.10 g/L
Sulfuric Acid (7.0 N)
0.62 mL
1000 mL
Water to make
1000 mL
pH at 25.0°C (77.0°F)
10.59 ± 0.05
1.020 ± 0.003‡
35.0 ± 2 mL
11.20 ± 0.05
1.023 ± 0.003
39.0 ± 2 mL
Specific Gravity at 25.0°C (77.0°F)
Total Alkalinity (10 mL sample)
WARNING! May cause eye and skin irritation and allergic skin reaction. Avoid contact with eyes, skin, and clothing.
EASTMAN Developer Stabilizer, No. 1 (DS-1) is also known as Chemical No. 10040097 and is available from Kodak by calling (716) 722-5545 or
Faxing a P.O. to (716) 722-2175.
† The differences between the mix levels and the analytical specifications for CD-2 and sodium sulfite are to compensate for aeration losses that occur
during mixing and transfer of solution to the machine tank. The mix levels necessary to achieve the required analytical specification will vary with
mixing equipment and solution transfer techniques.
‡ Developer specific gravity will rise from 1.020 ± 0.003 to 1.025 to ± 0.003 as the developer is seasoned.
To process VISION Premier Color Print Film, the normal replenisher flow rate must be increased by 8%. If the footage
processed is less than one tank turnover, no change of pH is required in the replenisher, but small adjustment could be necessary
in the tank processor. For larger quantity of VISION Premier Color Print Film (more than one tank turnover), it is recommended
to increase the replenisher pH to 11.45.
Fresh and Seasoned Tank
Analytical Specifications
Replenisher Analytical
Fresh Tank
900 mL
50 mL*
1 L
Water 21-38°C (70-100°F)
Sulfuric Acid (7.0 N)
Water to make
Same as Tank
pH at 25.0°C (77.0°F)
0.8 to 1.5
WARNING! May cause burns of skin and eyes. Avoid contact with eyes, skin, and clothing. In case of contact, immediately flush
eyes and skin with plenty of water; for eyes, get medical attention.
10 mL of concentrated sulfuric acid may be substituted.
Process ECP-2E Specifications
Fresh and Seasoned Tank
Analytical Specifications
Replenisher Analytical
Fresh Tank
Accelerator *
900 mL
3.3 g
900 mL
5.6 g
Water 24- 38°C (75-100°F)
Sodium Metabisulfite (Anhydrous)
Acetic Acid (Glacial)
2.0 ± 0.5 g/L†
5.0 ± 0.5 mL/L‡
5.0 mL
7.0 mL/L
Persulfate Bleach Accelerator PBA-1
3.3 g
4.0 mL
3.3 ± 0.3 g/L
4.0 ± 0.4 mL/L
4.9 g
5.9 mL
4.9 ± 0.3 g/L
5.9 ± 0.4 mL/L
KODAK liquid PBA-1§
Tetraacetic Acid Tetrasodium Salt
0.5 g
1 L
0.7 g
1 L
Water to make
pH at 25.0°C (77.0°F)
Specific Gravity at 25.0°C (77.0°F)
4.0 ± 0.2
3. ± 0.2
1.007 ± 0.003
1.031 ± 0.003
1.012 ± 0.003
Mixing the accelerator with high agitation for extended periods of time results in loss of some PBA-1 due to aerial oxidation. Mix the accelerator only
until all chemicals are dissolved.
† The analytical method measures the total sulfite content of the solution and reports it as sodium metabisulfite (Na S O ). If a solution addition to the
sodium metabisulfite level must be made but sodium bisulfite is to be used, multiply the sodium metabisulfite addition weight by the factor 1.09 to
obtain the equivalent amount of sodium bisulfite.
The difference between mix level and the analytical specification occurs because some sulfite is consumed in a reaction with KODAK Persulfate
Bleach Accelerator PBA-1 to form the active accelerator species “in situ.”
The analytical method measures buffer capacity and results are reported in terms of glacial acetic acid. Adjustment in pH should be made with
glacial acetic acid or 50% sodium hydroxide.
For convenience, add PBA-1 from a 250 g/L stock solution. Prepare by dissolving 5 kg PBA-1 in water and diluting to 20 L. Each 4 mL of stock
solution contains 1 g PBA-1. For a 100 L replenisher of AB-1bR, add 1.96 L of stock solution.
To process VISION Premier Color Print Film, the accelerator replenisher flow rate may need to be increased. If only a
small amount of footage is processed no change in the flow rate should be required in the replenisher. For larger quantities of
VISION Premier Color Print Film (more than one tank turnover), it is recommended to increase the flow rate by approximately
20% and closely monitor the PBA-1 level and retained silver in the D-max area of the film.
Persulfate Bleach
Only to be used in combination with accelerator solution.
Fresh and Seasoned Tank
Analytical Specifications
Replenisher Analytical
Persulfate Bleach
Fresh Tank
850 mL
0.35 g
33 g
800 mL
0.50 g
52 g
Water 24-38°C (75-100°F)
Chlorine Scavenger *
Sodium Persulfate
30 ± 2 g/L
48 ± 3 g/L
Sodium Chloride
15 g
15 ± 3 g/L
20 g
20 ± 2 g/L
Sodium Dihydrogen Phosphate
7.0 g
10.0 g
Phosphoric Acid (85%)
Water to make
2.5 mL
1 L
7.0 ± 1.0 mL/L†
2.5 mL
1 L
pH at 25.0°C (77.0°F)
Specific Gravity at 25.0°C (77.0°F)
2.3 ± 0.2
2.4 ± 0.2
1.037 ± 0.003 (fresh)
1.059 ± 0.003
1.085 (seasoned)‡
Since there are many acceptable chlorine scavengers, convenience of use and cost may be factors in making a choice. Hydrolysate, a soluble version
of gelatin, is available from U.S. Gelatin Corporation. Both food and photographic-grade gelatin have been used successfully. The gelatin must first
be dissolved in 40°C (104°F) water and stirred for 20 minutes. Up to 50 g/L can be added in this way in order to make a stock solution for subsequent
use. Beta-aminopropionic acid is higher cost alternative offering easy solubility.
The analytical method measures the buffer capacity of the bleach and reports the result as mL/L of phosphoric acid (85%). The analytical
specification (7.0 mL) is larger than the amount of phosphoric acid added (2.5 mL) because dihydrogen phosphate (and sulfate in seasoned
solutions) also contributes to the measurement. If a correction must be made, phosphoric acid (85%) can be added on a mL-for-mL basis. For
example, if the tank analysis reports 5.0 mL/L, then the correction would be to add 2.0 mL/L of phosphoric acid (85%).
If the bleach tank overflow is being reused, the specific gravity (a measure of sulfate ion buildup) should not exceed this value as incomplete
bleaching could occur.
Process ECP-2E Specifications
Alternate Process Bleaches
Fresh and Seasoned Tank
Analytical Specifications
Replenisher Analytical
Fresh Tank
Water 21-38°C (70-100°F)
700 mL
0.07 mL
54 mL
700 mL
0.10 mL
64 mL
51 g
Proxel GXL
Ammonium Hydroxide Solution (28%)†
KODAK Chelating Agent No. 1 (PDTA)
44.8 g
Ammonium Bromide (NH Br) or
23.8 or 25 g
23.8 or 25 ± 3 g/L
30.7 or 32.3 g
30.7 or 32.3 ± 3 g/L
Sodium Bromide (NaBr)
Acetic Acid Solution (90%)
Ferric Nitrate (Nonahydrate)‡
Water to make
10 mL
53.8 g
1 L
14.5 mL
61.2 g
1 L
pH at 25.0°C (77.0°F)§
Specific Gravity at 25.0°C (77.0°F)
Total Iron
5.30 ± 0.20
1.056 ± 0.003
7.50 ± 0.50 g/L
7.50 ± 0.50 g/L
<0.5 g/L
5.30 ± 0.20
1.066 ± 0.003
8.20 ± 0.50 g/L
8.20 ± 0.50 g/L
<0.5 g/L
Ferric Iron
Ferrous Iron
This formulation for bleach replenisher and tank can also be used as a “house” bleach for Process ECN and Process ECP. The rate of replenishment
would be adjusted for each process to arrive at the appropriate tank concentrations for each constituent. The starting point replenishment rate
recommendations for Process ECN and Process ECP are 200 mL/L and 400 mL/L respectively.
† You can substitute ammonium acetate for ammonium hydroxide and acetic acid. See Chemical Supplies and Substitutions .
‡ When using 35% solution by weight, use 70.5 g/L in Tank, and 80.2 g/L in Replenisher.
Adjust pH using glacial acetic acid, 7.0 N sulfuric acid, or 20% ammonium hydroxide.
• Follow exactly the mix order given above.
• Check the solution pH before starting the ferric nitrate addition. It should be between 8 and 8.5; adjust if necessary.
• Add the ferric nitrate solution slowly while mixing.
• The solution should be clear and yellow after completion of the ferric nitrate addition and subsequent mixing. A temporarily
cloudy solution caused by too low a pH will clear during pH adjustment.
• A solution which stays red for a long time after mixing indicates an excess of iron or deficiency of chelating agent.
• A pH correction can be made using sulfuric acid or ammonium hydroxide. Do not use phosphoric acid or strong bases such as
potassium or sodium hydroxide.
• When processing more than one tank turnover of VISION Premier Color Print Film, be sure to monitor the retained silver in the
image area D-max.
Process ECP-2E Specifications
Fresh and Seasoned Tank
Analytical Specifications
Replenisher Analytical
Fresh Tank
Potassium “UL” Bleach
Water 21-38°C (70-100°F)
Proxel GXL
700 mL
0.07 mL
700 mL
0.07 mL
84 mL
KOH (45%)*
KODAK Chelating Agent No. 1 (PDTA)
KBr or NaBr
54 g
92 g or 78 g
13.5 mL
63 g
60 g
92 g or 78 g
101 g or 86 g
15 mL
101 g or 86 g
Acetic Acid
Ferric Nitrate (Nonahydrate)†
70 g
Water to make
1 L
1 L
pH at 25.0°C (77.0°F)
Specific Gravity at 25.0°C (77.0°F)‡
Total Iron
5.30 ± 0.20
1.131 ± 0.003
9.0 ± 0.5 g/L
9.0 ± 0.5 g/L
<0.5 g/L
5.30 ± 0.20
1.142 ± 0.003
10 ± 0.5 g/L
10 ± 0.5 g/L
<0.5 g/L
Ferric Iron
Ferrous Iron
DO NOT add more potassium hydroxide after ferric nitrate is added.
‡ Adjust pH with glacial acetic acid, potassium carbonate, or 7.0 N sulfuric acid.
Note: See Chemical Supplies and Substitutions for calculations regarding raw chemical concentrations and alternatives.
• Follow exactly the mix order given above.
• Check the solution pH before starting the ferric nitrate addition. It should be between 8 and 8.5; adjust if necessary.
• Add the ferric nitrate solution slowly while mixing.
• The solution should be clear and yellow after completion of the ferric nitrate addition and subsequent mixing. A temporary
cloudy solution caused by too low a pH will clear during pH adjustment.
• A solution which stays red for a long time after mixing indicates an excess of iron or a deficiency of chelating agent.
• A pH correction can be made using sulfuric acid or potassium carbonate. Do not use phosphoric acid or strong bases such as
potassium or sodium hydroxide after ferric nitrate addition.
• When processing more than one tank turnover of VISION Premier Color Print Film, be sure to monitor the retained silver in the
image area D-max.
Fresh and Seasoned Tank
Analytical Specifications
Replenisher Analytical
Ferricyanide Bleach
Fresh Tank
900 mL
30.0 g
17.0 g
1 L
900 mL
49.0 g
26.0 g
1 L
Water 32-43°C (90-110°F)
Potassium Ferricyanide (Anhydrous) *
Sodium Bromide (Anhydrous)
Water to make
30.0 ± 5.0 g/L
49.0 ± 2.0 g/L
17.0 ± 2.0 g/L
26.0 ± 2.0 g/L
pH at 25.0°C (77.0°F)†
6.5 ± 0.5
8.0 ± 0.3
Specific Gravity at 25.0°C (77.0°F)
1.027 ± 0.003
1.043 ± 0.003
One gram of this compound can also be obtained by mixing 0.41 gram of potassium persulfate and 1.47 grams of sodium ferrocyanide decahydrate.
The reaction between potassium persulfate and sodium ferrocyanide takes about 1 hour, after which the final adjustments to the mix should be made.
† Adjust to proper pH with 2.5 N sodium hydroxide of 2.5 N sulfuric acid.
• When processing more than one tank turnover of VISION Premier Color Print Film, be sure to monitor the retained silver in the
image area D-max.
Process ECP-2E Specifications
To be used with persulfate bleach (may also be used with alternate process bleaches)
Fresh and Seasoned Tank
Analytical Specifications
Replenisher Analytical
Fresh Tank
800 mL
100 mL
2.5 gL
10.3 g
0.50 g
1 L
700 mL
170.0 mL
16.0 g
5.8 g
Water 21-38°C (70-100°F)
Ammonium Thiosulfate Solution (58%)
Sodium Sulfite (Anhydrous)
Sodium Bisulfite (Anhydrous)
Potassium Iodide
100 ± 10 mL/L
15.0 ± 3.0 g/L*
170 ± 10 mL/L
0.50 ± 0.02 g/L
0.70 g
1 L
0.70 ± 0.02 g/L
Water to make
pH at 25.0°C (77.0°F)
1.060 ± 0.003 (fresh)
24.0 ± 2.0
6.6 ± 0.2†
1.083 ± 0.003
38.0 ± 2.0
Specific Gravity 25.0°C (77.0°F)
Hypo Index (3 mL sample)
Test method (using 3 mL sample) measures sulfite and bisulfite together as total sulfite (Na SO ).
Fixer pH may decrease with certain operating conditions when electrolytically desilvering the fixer. If the fixer is not desilvered or desilvered by the
batch method, the replenisher pH should be 5.00 ± 0.015. Care should be taken to avoid fixer pH lower than 4.5 since lower fixer pH could cause
sulfurization of the fixer.
To process a large quantity (more than one tank turnover) of VISION Premier Color Print Film, the normal
replenishment flow rate of the fix may need to be increased by up to 30%.
Alternate Process Fixer
(can be used with alternate process bleaches, not persulfate)
Fresh and Seasoned Tank
Analytical Specifications
Replenisher Analytical
Fresh Tank
800 mL
100 mL
700 mL
170.0 mL
2.5 g
Water 21-38°C (70 to 100°F)
Ammonium Thiosulfate Solution (58%)
Sodium Sulfite (Anhydrous)
Sodium Bisulfite (Anhydrous)
Sulfuric Acid (7.0 N)
100 mL ± 10 mL/L
170 mL ± 10 mL/L
20.5 ± 3.0 g/L*
15.0 ± 3.0 g/L
13.0 g
2.7 mL
1 L
17.5 g
Water to make
1 L
pH at 25.0°C (77.0°F)
1.060 ± 0.003 (fresh)
24.0 ± 2.0
5.80 ± 0.15†
1.083 ± 0.003
38.0 ± 2.0
Specific Gravity at 25.0°C (77.0°F)
Hypo Index (3 mL sample)
Test method (using 3 mL sample) measures sulfite and bisulfite together as total sulfite (Na SO ).
† Fixer pH may decrease with certain operating conditions when electrolytically desilvering the fixer. If the fixer is not desilvered or is desilvered by the
batch method, the replenisher pH should be 5.00 ± 0.15. Care should be taken to avoid fixer pH lower than 4.5 since lower fixer pH could cause
sulfurization of the fixer.
To process a large quantity (more than one tank turnover) of VISION Premier Color Print Film, the normal
replenishment flow rate of the fix may need to be increased by up to 30%.
Process ECP-2E Specifications
Alternate Process Fixer
The Sodium Fixer is recommended as an alternate fixer for use only with a persulfate bleach. The sodium fixer is not recommended
for use in the ECN-2 process or as a “House Fixer”.
Fresh and Seasoned Tank
Analytical Specifications
Replenisher Analytical
Sodium Fixer
Fresh Tank
Water 21-38°C (70 to 100°F)
Sodium Thiosulfate (Anhydrous)
Sodium Sulfite
800 mL
82.7 g
2.5 g
800 mL
141 g
19 g
82.7 g ± 8 g/L
141 g ± 8 g/L
15 g
27 g*
Sodium Bisulfite
10.3 g
0.5 g
6.5 g
0.7 g
1 L
Potassium Iodide
Water to make
1 L
pH at 25.0°C (77.0°F)
Specific Gravity at 25.0°C (77.0°F)
5.8 ± 0.20,
Test method (using 3 mL sample) measures sulfite and bisulfite together as total sulfite (Na SO ).
† Fixer pH may decrease with certain operating conditions when electrolytically desilvering the fixer. If the fixer is not desilvered or is desilvered by the
batch method, the replenisher pH should be 5.00 ± 0.15. Care should be taken to avoid fixer pH lower than 4.5 since lower fixer pH could cause
sulfurization of the fixer. At a higher pH than designated, stain can occur because all the developing agent may not be removed from the film before
the bleaching step.
To process a large quantity (more than one tank turnover) of VISION Premier Color Print Film, the normal
replenishment flow rate of the fix may need to be increased by up to 30%.
Final Rinse
Fresh and Seasoned Tank
Analytical Specifications
Replenisher Analytical
Fresh Tank
Final Rinse*
900 mL
0.14 mL
1 L
900 mL
0.17 mL
1 L
Water 21-38°C (70-100°F)
KODAK Stabilizer Additive
Water to make
If biological growth becomes a problem, Proxel GXL may be added at 0.07 mL/L; or Spectrus NX1106 at 0.7 mL/L. Proxel GXL is recommended
over Spectrus NX1106 as the NX1106 sometimes causes fog in the developer solution.
Process ECP-2E Specifications
Storage of Solutions
Do not use replenishers that have been stored at normal room
temperatures 21 to 24°C (70 to 75°F), longer than the times
(75°F) will decrease the storage life of the solutions. Storage
temperatures below 16°C (60°F) can cause some solution
constituents to precipitate.
The sound track is printed onto KODAK VISION Color
Print Film / 2383, KODAK VISION Premier Color Print
Film / 2393 and KODAK VISION Color Teleprint Film /
2395 / 3395 from a negative sound original. Only the cyan
emulsion layer should be exposed. This can be accomplished
by using a KODAK WRATTEN Gelatin Filter 29 in the light
beam. (Some "ND" filtration may be necessary for
Do not attempt to bring aged replenisher solutions to the
formula level. Decomposition products that are formed as
the solution stands cannot be eliminated from the solution.
These compounds build up to a concentration that can cause
adverse photographic effects.
In Process ECP-2E, the developer produces a positive
silver and dye image of the sound track. As with the image
areas, the bleach converts the silver image back to silver
halide. The silver halide is removed from the film by the fix.
The dye track will be a cyan only image after processing. No
special sound track equiment is necessary. If a first fixer is
still periodically in use on a processor, it may be skipped by
threading the film directly from the stop wash into the bleach
or bleach accelerator if no sound track development is
AT 21 TO 24°C (70 TO 75°F)
Floating Cover
Open Tank
Color Developer
SD-50Ra, SD-51R
2 weeks
1 week
Stop SB-14
8 weeks
8 weeks
8 weeks
Closed, Full Glass Open or Partially
Container Full Container
An overview of dye sound tracks can be found in Dye
Sound Tracks: A Laboratory Guide, available from our
Entertainment Imaging offices or the Eastman Kodak
If solution is kept clean.
Discard the remaining few litres of replenisher before
fresh replenisher is pumped into the holding tank.
Replenisher remaining in the holding tank, even if kept
under a close-fitting floating cover, usually has deteriorated
to such an extent that it is unsatisfactory for further use.
For best process control, equip the holding tank for the
color developer replenisher with a tight-fitting floating
cover. The cover will minimize air oxidation of the solution,
and absorption of carbon dioxide from the air, which would
change the pH. Clearance between the cover and the tank
Sound Track Operating Specifications
SMPTE Standards 40-2002 and 41-1999 define the location
and dimensions of the sound tracks for 35 mm and 16 mm
films respectively.
Sound Track Control
The major control parameters in the production of optical
sound tracks are the position of the track on the film, the
width of the track, and the unmodulated density of the track.
The sound track densities are dependent on processing
conditions and on the amount of exposure of the sound track
during printing. Unlike redeveloped silver or high magenta
sound tracks, the optimum density of cyan dye tracks should
be measured in Status A density.
wall should not be greater than 1⁄ inch (6.4 mm).
Polyethylene sheeting of 1⁄ inch (12.7 mm) thickness makes
adequate covers in sizes up to 3 feet (1 meter) in diameter. A
dust cover, alone, permits air to contact more of the solution
surface and allows air oxidation to take place. Dust covers
should be used for non-developer solutions to minimize dirt
in the replenisher tanks.
The optimal variable-area sound track density on
KODAK VISION Color Print Film / 2383 and KODAK
VISION Premier Color Print Film / 2393 is between 2.0 and
2.2 (read as Status A density) The blue and green Status A
densities should be between 0.2 and 0.4 The filter pack
should be adjusted to give the proper green and blue
responses. Once a filter pack is found that produces blue and
green densities in this range, the red density should be used
as the primary quality control parameter. Choose a print
density that will provide a good compromise between signal-
to-noise ratio and frequency response.
The densities of the sound track negatives required to
produce minimum cross-modulation distortion at optimal
print densities are determined using recognized cross-
modulation test procedures.
Process ECP-2E Specifications
Processing KODAK Color Print Films, Module 9
Process ECP-2E Specifications
For more information on motion picture products, call or
write to the Entertainment Imaging office nearest you.
Or access Kodak’s home page on the Internet, web site
You may want to bookmark our location so you can find
us more easily.
Processing KODAK Color Print Films,
Module 9, Process ECP-2E
Kodak, Vision, and Eastman are trademarks.
Revision 7/06
Printed in U.S.A.
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